By-Laws for the West Shore Mixed Slo-Pitch Association



By-Laws for the West Shore Mixed Slo-Pitch Association

Article 1 (name):

The name of the organization is The West Shore Mixed Slo-Pitch Association and is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization.

Article 2 (purpose): The purpose of the organization is:

1) To promote the development of mixed slo-pitch softball in the Town of Pickering.

2) To improve the quality of life in the area.

3) To meet people and socialize.

4) To generate money in the area.

Article 3 (membership)

Section 1: Membership shall be limited to those 18 years of age and older. Members may register at 17, as long as they turn 18 in that calendar year.

Section 2: Membership shall consist of active members, which require that the member be registered with the league for that year. Membership is current from registration to the next registration, the following year.

Section 3: Annual dues shall be by cash or electronic banking transfer. Payment is due in full, prior to first pitch of the first game.

Section 4: Qualifications for admittance to this organization is that:

1) A waiting list shall be kept after the league is to capacity.

2) Pickering residents who move out of the area may continue to play softball in the league, if on a continuous basis.

3) Past members can be absent for up to one year and be considered members, if for medical reasons only.

Section 5: Member refund policy: a twenty five dollar ($25.00) administration fee will be deducted from the registration fee. No refunds will be issued after June 1st or in the case of unreturned association equipment.

Section 6: After the posted registration date, no post-dated cheques will be accepted. All bank service charges incurred by the association will be passed onto the applicant (returned cheques etc.). There is a charge of $25.00 for NSF cheques.

Section 7: Members can request to play with any other specified member, limited to individual blocks of eight (8) members only. Note: circumstances regarding the above shall be looked at on an individual basis and decided upon by the executive committee.

Section 8: Players are not allowed to change teams without executive committee approval. Substitution (with league members of equal caliber) will be permitted with executive committee approval to avoid defaults during regular season or tournament play.

Section 9: Resignation, termination and removal of members: players who are absent for four consecutive games without notifying their captain can be replaced by a new player off the waiting list at the committee’s discretion, with an attempt to continue consistency (man for man, woman for woman, couple for couple) and comparable softball ability.

Article 4 (executive committee):

Section 1: The executive committee shall consist of the elected members.

Section 2: The executive committee shall handle the regular business of the organization.

Section 3: Regular meetings of the executive shall be held.

Section 4: A quorum for conducting business of the executive committee shall be not less than 51% of the members of the executive committee empowered to vote.

Article 5 (Executive Members):

Section 1: There shall be the following elected members:


– Convener

– Treasurer

– Social Director


Sponsorship Director

– Equipment Manager

– Webmaster and Media Manager

Section 2: League sub-committees:

Tournament committee

All of the above executive members are empowered to a single vote.

Note #1: The President does not vote, unless to break a tie.

Note #2: Sub-committee members are not empowered to vote.

Article 6 (duties of Executive Members):

Section 1: President:

– Preside at all meetings of the executive committee and general meetings of the organization and at any special meetings.

– Sign cheques with the Treasurer.

– Sign all contracts with the Treasurer, after approval by the executive committee.

– Call meetings of the organization.

– Serve as ex-officio member on all sub-committees.

– Ensure By-laws are made available to executive committee members.

Section 2: Convener:

– be in charge of the scheduling of all games / umpires

– communicate with the umpires weekly any league concerns or feedback from the umpires

– be in charge  of all communications within the league.

– serve on all disciplinary committees

Section 3: Treasurer:

– Set-up an account accessible by the Treasurer and President

– Keep and distribute as required, record of the leagues’ finances.

– Sign cheques with the President

– Sign all contracts with the President, after approval by the executive committee.

Section 4: Secretary:

– record minutes of all league proceedings of the executive committee

– maintain all appropriate league documents, contracts and agreements

– shall keep & maintain copies of all league correspondence including permits and insurance certificates etc.

Section 5: Sponsorship Director:

– Obtain sponsors for the league.

– Obtain prizes for league functions.

– Keep sponsors informed of league activities (tournament, play-off, picnic, dances and season games).

– Acknowledgement of sponsors support by letter.

Section 6: Social Director:

– Organize and book all social functions sponsored by the league, and make all necessary arrangement

– Organize fund raising efforts for the league (50/50s, raffles, etc)

Section 7: Equipment Manger

– Keep inventory of all league owned equipment

– Inspect league owned equipment regularly and replace (with compensation) if need be

Section 8: Webmaster and Media Manager

– Maintain the league website with up to date information

– Organize registration in preparation for team building

– Provide images (memes, posters, pictures, etc) for marketing use

– Maintain the league’s Instagram and Twitter pages

– Organize and run league elections at the end of September

Section 9: Team Captain(s):

– Be responsible for all equipment that it is available to the team for all games.

To provide instruction of league rules to team members.

– Ensure that league games are played in compliance with the league’s purpose and rules set out by the league.

– Create team lineups and defensive charts in compliance with the league’s rules.

– Convey information provided by the executive committee to the players.

– Submit game scores to the convener at the end of each game.

Section 8: Each member of the executive committee is responsible for their duties and responsibilities, attending all meetings, keeping the committee informed and updated, and act in the best interest of the organization.

Section 9: All positions are voted on annually. Nominations will be open on the website approximately one month before the election and closed approximately two weeks before the end of the season. Only members of WSMSP are eligible to be nominated for any position on the executive. If there is only one member nominated for a position, then, at the AGM, that member will be awarded the position by acclamation.

Article 7 (elections):

Section 1: All positions on the executive committee are open for nomination to all current members of the league, closing date will be approximately two weeks before the final game of the season, and will be voted on using an online voting platform, set up by the webmaster.

Section 2: Elections shall be by secret ballot and voting privileges shall be limited to active members of the year.

Section 3: Exec Members shall be elected for a term of one year, to serve from the time of installation until the succeeding AGM.

Section 4: If any executive committee member resigns their position, the position will be offered a member of the league as selected by the Executive board, to act in that position until the next AGM.

Section 5: Slack executive committee members will receive a warning by the President and if there is no improvement the committee shall vote on their dismissal.

Section 6: If no one is nominated for a position the present elected  or appointed member is able to keep the position by acclamation for another term.

Article 8 (meetings):

Section 1: There is to be a transition of administration meeting immediately following installation. It is to include both outgoing and incoming members.

– all files, including financial books are turned over to the newly installed committee / President, who then becomes presiding President.

– This meeting should include the outline of the years schedule, functions, activities, budget and fees.

Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the President or any member of the executive committee, upon notice of 51% of the committee.

Section 3: All elected executive committee members shall attend all meetings and give an update report or make their report available at all meetings, if unable to attend.

Article 9 (discipline):

Section 1: Charges of professional dishonesty working against the principles and purpose of the organization and/or injuring the professional standing of a member may be filed with the executive committee.

Section 2: The accused member shall be notified of the action and shall have the privilege of being present at a special meeting or regular meeting of the executive committee, at which the charges will be considered.

Section 3: The member may be suspended by a 51% vote or expelled by a 75% vote of the executive committee.

Section 4: Should the executive committee lose confidence in any executive officer, disciplinary action or dismissal will take place.

Article 10 (disabilities):

In the best interest of the association, it is the responsibility of members to disclose any disabilities, injuries or pregnancies in writing.

Article 11 (amendments):

The league By-laws may be amended or revised by an affirmative vote of 75% of all members of the association present at a meeting designed for that purpose.

Article 12 (dissolution):

Should the organization be dissolved, all material and possessions of the organization must be sold or donated to a charity in the Town of Pickering.

Article 13 (penalties/suspensions):

Player and/or team member penalties and suspensions: WSMSP will be adhering and enforcing the Code of Conduct as established by SPN.

Note: The executive/Disciplinary Committee will be comprised of five people. Two will be from the current Executive Committee; the other three will be current captains. None of the people chosen for the Executive/Disciplinary Committee can be personally involved in any way with the discrepancy.

The President will chair the Committee and only be allowed to vote in case of a tie. The accused shall have the option of requesting an alternate(s) due to a possible conflict of interest.

Meeting Schedule

October: Rules Meeting (Executive & captains only). Only rules to be discussed and enacted for the following season.

November: Transition meeting of the past and present executives to transfer information and data, as soon as possible after the year end banquet.

– budget and fees (registration and sponsors)

– tentative schedule of games and events in the upcoming year

– update on all events

April: Team selection and update.

Captains meeting and update.

July: Annual League Tournament.

August: Playoffs / Banquet meeting.

September: Banquet meeting if necessary.

Note: The Executive to meet before and after every major event.

Registration and Team Selection

*Teams are decided year to year. These are just guidelines.


Registration will be on a first come basis for previous year’s members up to the registration date, being mid April of the current year.

Team Selection Process:

The team selection process is crucial to the success of the league. Over the years the optimum method utilized to obtain parity has evolved into the following process:

1) Members are divided into categories:

– groups (maximum of 8 per group)

– couples or pairs

– single males

– single females

Note: Groups larger than 8 are split into smaller groups with an effort to maintain fairness and equity. All categories are listed on separate pages (ie. The groups of 8  are listed on 1 or more pages, groups of 4 are listed on 1 or more pages, couples are listed on 1 or more pages and single males and females are listed on 1 or more pages).

2) The current President reviews each players personal ranking with the captain of the team played upon the previous year. The players and captains’ ratings from at least the past two seasons are also available for comparison purposes. Players are rated as follows:

Men: A – Excellent Women: B – Above Average

B – Above Average C – Average

C – Average D – Below Average

D – Below Average E – Beginner

E – Beginner

3) Sponsors are first placed on the teams they are sponsoring and designated with an “S” beside their name.

4) Capable captains are selected and designated with a “C” beside their names for easy reference.

5) Capable pitchers are selected and designated with a “P” beside their name.

The number of players per team will be decided annually by the Executive.

6) Members are designated as “M” (males) and “F” (females).

7) Other designations could be included to reach parity or a balance.

8) The Executive will assemble teams keeping all necessary factors in mind.

Remember, all players are an equally important asset to the team and the league!!


The Social Director will head up the banquet committee.

At a meeting prior to the banquet give tickets to captains and advise them that all tickets or money must be returned prior to the final game. Confirm with the hall and decide on menu items.

Get money from treasurer for door prizes and also check with the sponsorship representative to get prizes from sponsors.

One week prior to banquet confirm number of people attending.


At the meeting prior to the picnic recruit volunteers to help run events. Eg. Volleyball, football, races, tug-of-war (get rope from fire hall), water balloons, egg toss, 3 legged race, dunk tank etc

Get prizes from dollar store (small token prizes eg. Tattoos, bubbles etc)

Get ribbons from trophy store (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, participation, etc)

Advise captains at meeting to whether food will be available for purchase or to bring their own.

Park Permits and Annual Tournament

The President will acquire all permits and insurance for regular season and tournaments

Playing Rules for the West Shore Mixed Slo-Pitch Association

Revised April 2024


NSA Rules Apply with exception of below


  1. The Association promotes sportsmanship and enjoyment.
  2. Age limit – 18 year and over. 17 if the player turns 18 in that calendar year.
  3. All equipment remains the property of the Association.
  4. During the regular season, rain out games will be rescheduled by the Convener.
  5. Both teams MUST HAVE the minimum number of players (8 minimum – 3 of which must be female) to field a team.
  6. Each team is to provide their own score-keeper. Each team is responsible for submitting their scores. All scores must be submitted via email or direct message.
  7. No alcohol or drugs are allowed at or near the ballpark.
  8. No new inning will start after 1 hour and 15 minutes from start time.


Umpires are provided by NSA but if they do not show up each team may select umpires prior to the start of the game. Players chosen to ump games, must be long standing league members (5 years+) and must have thorough knowledge of league rules. If so, the following rules are in place

Specific Duties of the Plate Umpire

➢ Will have full responsibility for the proper conduct of the game and is the crew chief.

➢ Will call each pitch a ball or strike.

➢ Will call batted balls fair or foul and all illegally batted balls.

➢ Will call the plays at third and home plate.

Specific Duties of the Base Umpire

➢ Will assist on calls in outfield decisions.

➢ Will call the plays at first and second base.

Rules of Play – NSA rules except for the following:

  1. The playing field

➢ The bases will be 65 feet apart (from the rear portion of the plate).

➢ Team captains and umpires will review ground rules prior to the game. Umpire is to announce to captains and players the start of the game and no new inning after a specific time. Captains have been advised to write times down.

➢ An outfield defensive line consisting of an arc 130 feet from home plate shall be used and delimited by the use of 4 orange cones (2 in foul territory, 2 in centre field). No outfielder (maximum of four) is allowed in front of the 130 foot line until the ball is hit. If this rule is violated, the team at bat has the option of taking the result of the play or an award of one base to the batter and all runners.


All infielders must remain on dirt infield until ball is in play; if playing on the grass, they must be behind the cones

Outfielders must remain behind cones until ball is in play

➢ The defensive team must have at least one female in the outfield and one female in the infield at all times

  1. Equipment

➢ Equipment (bases, mat, cones, balls etc) will be provided by WSMSP.

➢ Personal bats may be used if properly sanctioned by NSA.  (Must have approved “thumbprint”)

➢ Metal spiked shoes are not allowed; one piece molded rubber soles are acceptable.

➢ Home plate is an orange SPN sanctioned matt or board (the entire matt is in fair territory).

  1. Definitions

➢ See NSA rule book.

  1. The Game

➢ Seven innings is a complete game, 3½ innings with the home team leading or 4 innings constitutes a game if necessary to be called.

➢ No new inning will start after 1 hour and 15 minutes from start time. Start time and no new inning times to be announced at start of game/inning.

➢ Game ends when the home team is ahead by 7 or more runs or 3 outs.

➢ To end the inning there must be three outs or the batting team scores the 7th run in that inning.

Championship games are a full 7 innings; there is no time limit.

Regular season: tie games are allowed

TIEBREAKER for Summer Slam and Playoffs only. The International tie-breaker rule will be utilized.

➢ MERCY RULE: Inning 1-6: 7 run mercy rule / Inning 7 (or declared last inning): no mercy rule (open inning)

  1. The Players and Team

➢ A team must have a minimum of 8 players, of which 3 must be females.

➢ If a team is playing with only three female players then a female player must be in the outfield and infield at all times and a male catcher must be used for the entire game.

➢ A maximum of 15 minute grace period is allowed prior to default.

➢ All players in the game must be registered with NSA and WSMSP and on the team roster, to be eligible to play. Captains are responsible to ensure registration is accurate and complete.

➢ A player may be added to the roster (batting order) provided no player has batted a second time. If a player is added, they must be entered at the bottom of the batting order

Teams may borrow up to 3 players making team a maximum of 9 players

If not enough females, can borrow to make total of 3 female players*

Subs can play in any position but pitcher

Can sub for pitcher if no regular pitchers available

* Borrowed player(s) may remain in the game if/when regular roster player(s) arrive and enter the game (see above rule re: timing)

Borrowed Players in Playoffs

Borrow up to 2 substitutions to make a maximum of 9 players

If not enough females, can borrow to make total of 3 female players

  1. Batting

➢ Helmets are recommended, but not mandatory

No limit to the number of courtesy runners a team may use. Courtesy runner must be last available out, or if no out then the farthest in the order from the injured player.

A batter may use a “runner from the fence”. The umpire must be notified. Runner from the fence may run for the entirety of the play. Once the runner from the fence is used,  that batter must use a runner from the fence for all subsequent at bats. They player utilizing the runner may only play infield for the rest of the game.

➢ If the first 4 pitches are balls (no strikes recorded) the batter will be awarded 2nd base. Any runners on base at the time will advance per force play.

HOME RUN RULE – One Plus One. Once a team has scored a home run, any additional home runs will be counted as a double, until the other team has scored their own home run. At this point the rule resets and carries on. A batter (or courtesy runner) hitting a home run out of the playing field is not required to run the bases.

  1. Other

If a player has been removed from the line-up because of injury: – Male – scratched, skip in the batting order, no penalty – Female – if less than 3 females in the roster, a substitution can be used, starting at the time the injured player bats; if no substitution, the at bat will be an “automatic out” – Must have 2 females in the field

Defensive Chart: Teams are to use the “top down” lineup (available here)

➢ If a ball is hit safely into the outfield, ie. it touches the ground, outfields are NOT permitted to throw the ball to first base in a attempt to get the batter/runner out. An infielder may run into the outfield to get the ball and make a throw, but an outfielder (including a rover) may not. If a fly ball is caught by an outfielder and an out is recorded then the outfielder may throw to first to attempt to put the runner out. 

Legal Bats: Refer to the latest NSA illegal bat list